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Create Your Own Signature Blend

Create Your Own Signature Blend


We can help you to create your own signature blend. Simply choose from our single origin coffee range, which includes Brazil, Colombia, Kenya, Java, PNG, Mexico and Nicaragua. Leave the combination including percentages in each single origin in the comments section, we will blend and pack it for you.


    Signature blend can be very personal, here’s the opportunity that we offer you to create your own blend. Normally 2-3 single origins are maximum for a blend, but hey, who knows, Ken’s Choice has seven...good luck!!


    We try and get our coffee to your door in not only the most cost effective way but also in a method that won't affect your coffee. To be able to do that we use a number of courier companies depending on the scenario. We've also found that in some regions we get better service from a particular company, so we'll stick with them for deliveries in those areas.


    In most instances our coffee once roasted is delivered in 2 or 3 working days, So if you place your order in time for the Monday roast you can expect it on Wednesday or Thursday most of the time, for rural deliveries and any occasional freight delays it can take 4 or 5 days to get to you. Due to COVID-19, delays in delivering are expected.

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